Kingdom of Sweden

Area: 449,964 sq. km. (173,731 sq. mi.)--about
the size of California.
Cities: Capital--Stockholm (city
population: 765,044). Other cities--Göteborg
(city population: 481,410), Malmö (city
population: 269,142).
Terrain: Generally flat or rolling.
Climate: Temperate in south with cold, cloudy
winters and cool, partly cloudy summers;
subarctic in north.
Nationality: Noun--Swedes; adjective--Swedish.
Population (July 2005 est.): 9 million.
Annual growth rate: 0.17%.
Ethnic groups: Indigenous Swedes, ethnic Finns,
ethnic Sami.
Immigrants: Finns, Bosnians, Iranians,
Norwegians, Danes, and Turks.
Religions: Lutheran (90%), Catholic, Orthodox,
Baptist, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim.
Education: Years compulsory--9.
Health: Infant mortality rate--2.77/1,000.
Life expectancy--men 78.19 years, women
82.74 years.
Work force (4.46 million, 2004 est.):
Services--74%; industry--24%;
agriculture--2%. Unemployment (2004 est.)
Type: Constitutional monarchy.
Constitution: A new constitution was adopted in
1975, replacing the Acts of 1809, 1866, and
1949. Branches: Executive--Cabinet,
responsible to parliament. Legislative--unicameral
parliament (Riksdag). Judicial--Supreme
Court (6 superior courts; 108 lower courts).
Subdivisions: 21 counties, 289 municipalities
Political parties represented in parliament:
Moderate, Liberal, Center, Christian Democratic,
Social Democratic, Left, and Green.
Suffrage: Universal over 18. After 3 years of
legal residence, immigrants may vote in county
and municipal elections, (but not in national
GDP (2004 est.): $255.4 billion.
Annual growth rate (2004 est.): 3.6%.
Per capita income (2001): $26,200.
Inflation rate (2004 est.): 0.4%.
Natural resources: Forests, iron ore,
hydroelectric power.
Agriculture (2% of GDP): Products--dairy
products, grains, sugarbeets, potatoes, wood.
Arable land--6 million acres.
Industry (29% of GDP): Types--machinery/metal
products, motor vehicles, electrical equipment,
aircraft, paper products.
Services (69.9% of GDP): Types--telecommunications,
computer equipment, biotech.
Trade: Exports (2004 est.)--$121.7
billion. Types--machinery transport
equipment, wood products, paper, pulp,
chemicals, and manufactured goods. Imports
(2004 est.)--$97.97 billion. Major trading
partners--U.S., EU, Norway.
Sweden has one of the world's highest life
expectancies and one of the lowest birth rates.
The country counts at least 17,000 Sami among
its population. About one fifth of Sweden's
population are immigrants or have at least one
foreign-born parent. The largest immigrant
groups are from Finland, Serbia and Montenegro,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iran, Norway, Denmark, and
Poland. This reflects the Nordic immigration,
earlier periods of labor immigration, and later
decades of refugee and family immigration. The
proportion of European immigrants has risen, the
main reason being the conflicts in former
Swedish is a Germanic language related to
Danish and Norwegian but different in
pronunciation and orthography. English is by far
the leading foreign language, particularly among
students and those under age 50.
Sweden has an extensive child-care system
that guarantees a place for all young children
from 2-6 years old in a public day-care
facility. From ages 7-16, children attend
compulsory comprehensive school. After
completing the ninth grade, 90% attend upper
secondary school for either academic or
technical education.
Swedes benefit from an extensive social
welfare system, which provides for childcare and
maternity and paternity leave, a ceiling on
health care costs, old-age pensions, and sick
leave among other benefits. Parents are entitled
to a total of 12 months' paid leave between
birth and the child's eighth birthday, with one
of those months reserved specifically for the
father. A ceiling on health care costs makes it
easier for Swedish workers to take time off for
medical reasons.
During the seventh and eighth centuries, the
Swedes were merchant seamen well known for their
far-reaching trade. In the ninth century, Nordic
Vikings raided and ravaged the European
Continent as far as the Black and Caspian Seas.
During the 11th and 12th centuries, Sweden
gradually became a unified Christian kingdom
that later included Finland. Queen Margaret of
Denmark united all the Nordic lands in the
"Kalmar Union" in 1397. Continual tension within
the countries and within the union gradually led
to open conflict between the Swedes and the
Danes in the 15th century. The union's final
disintegration in the early 16th century brought
on a long-lived rivalry between Norway and
Denmark on one side and Sweden and Finland on
the other
In the 16th century, Gustav Vasa fought for
an independent Sweden crushing an attempt to
restore the Kalmar Union and laying the
foundation for modern Sweden. At the same time,
he broke with the Catholic Church and
established the Reformation. During the 17th
century, after winning wars against Denmark,
Russia, and Poland, Sweden-Finland (with
scarcely more than 1 million inhabitants)
emerged as a great power. Its contributions
during the Thirty Years War under Gustav II
Adolf (Gustavus Adolphus) determined the
political as well as the religious balance of
power in Europe. By 1658, Sweden ruled several
provinces of Denmark as well as what is now
Finland, Ingermanland (in which St. Petersburg
is located), Estonia, Latvia, and important
coastal towns and other areas of northern
Russia, Saxony-Poland, and Denmark-Norway
pooled their power in 1700 and attacked the
Swedish-Finnish empire. Although the young
Swedish King Karl XII (also known as Charles
XII) won spectacular victories in the early
years of the Great Northern War, his plan to
attack Moscow and force Russia into peace proved
too ambitious; he fell in battle in 1718. In the
subsequent peace treaties, the allied powers,
joined by Prussia and England-Hanover, ended
Sweden's reign as a great power.
Sweden suffered further territorial losses
during the Napoleonic wars and was forced to
cede Finland to Russia in 1809. The following
year, the Swedish King's adopted heir, French
Marshal Bernadotte, was elected Crown Prince as
Karl Johan by the Riksdag. In 1813, his forces
joined the allies against Napoleon. The Congress
of Vienna compensated Sweden for its lost German
territory through a merger of the Swedish and
Norwegian crowns in a dual monarchy, which
lasted until 1905, when it was peacefully
dissolved at Norway's request.
Sweden's predominantly agricultural economy
shifted gradually from village to private
farm-based agriculture during the Industrial
Revolution, but this change failed to bring
economic and social improvements commensurate
with the rate of population growth. About 1
million Swedes immigrated to the United States
between 1850 and 1890.
The 19th century was marked by the emergence
of a liberal opposition press, the abolition of
guild monopolies in trade and manufacturing in
favor of free enterprise, the introduction of
taxation and voting reforms, the installation of
a national military service, and the rise in the
electorate of three major party groups--Social
Democratic, Liberal, and Conservative.
During and after World War I, in which Sweden
remained neutral, the country benefited from the
worldwide demand for Swedish steel, ball
bearings, wood pulp, and matches. Postwar
prosperity provided the foundations for the
social welfare policies characteristic of modern
Sweden. Foreign policy concerns in the 1930s
centered on Soviet and German expansionism,
which stimulated abortive efforts at Nordic
defense cooperation. Sweden followed a policy of
armed neutrality during World War II and
currently remains nonaligned. Sweden became a
member of the European Union in 1995.
Popular government in Sweden rests upon ancient
tradition. The Swedish parliament (Riksdag)
stems from tribal courts (Ting) and the election
of kings in the Viking age. It became a
permanent institution in the 15th century.
Sweden's government is a limited constitutional
monarchy with a parliamentary system. Executive
authority is vested in the cabinet, which
consists of a prime minister and 20 ministers
who run the government departments. The present
Social Democratic government, led by Prime
Minister Göran Persson, came to power in 1994
after losing power briefly in 1991. King Carl
XVI Gustaf (Bernadotte) ascended to the throne
on September 15, 1973. His authority is formal,
symbolic, and representational.
The unicameral Riksdag has 349 members,
popularly elected every 4 years and is in
session generally from September through
Sweden is divided into 21 counties and 289
municipalities. Each county (län) is headed by a
governor, who is appointed by the central
government. Each county has a popularly elected
council with the power of taxation, and each
council has particular responsibility for
education, public transportation, health, and
medical care. Elected municipal councils are
headed by executive committees roughly analogous
to the boards of commissioners found in some
U.S. cities.
Swedish law, drawing on Germanic, Roman, and
Anglo-American law, is neither as codified as in
France and other countries influenced by the
Napoleonic Code, nor as dependent on judicial
practice and precedents as in the United States.
Legislative and judicial institutions include,
in addition to the Riksdag, the Supreme Court,
the Supreme Administrative Court, the Labor
Court, Commissions of Inquiry, the Law Council,
District Courts and Courts of Appeal, the Chief
Public Prosecutor, the Bar Association, and
ombudsmen who oversee the application of laws
with particular attention to abuses of
Principal Government Officials
Head of State--King Carl XVI Gustaf
Head of Government--Prime Minister Göran Persson
Minister of Foreign Affairs--Laila Freivalds
Minister of Defense--Leni Bjorklund
Minister of Finance--Bosse Ringholm
Ambassador to the United States--Gunnar Lund
Ambassador to the United Nations--Anders Liden
Sweden maintains an
embassy in the United States at 1501 M St.,
NW Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: 202-467-2600,
Consulates General are in New York, Chicago,
and Los Angeles. There also are consulates in 31
other U.S. cities. Contact the embassy for
locations and telephone numbers.
Ordinary general elections to the Swedish
parliament are held every fourth year on the
third Sunday in September. County council and
municipal council elections take place at the
same time. The next elections will be held in
September 2006. There is a barrier rule intended
to prevent very small parties from gaining
representation in the parliament. A party must
thus receive at least 4% of the votes in the
entire country or 12% in a single electoral
district to qualify for any seats.
In the 2002 election, the Social Democrats
received 39.8% of the vote, up from 36.7% in
1998. The 2002 election results for Sweden’s
major parties were as follows: the Social
Democratic Party (39.8%; 144 seats), the
Moderate Party (15.2%; 55 seats), the Liberal
Party (13.3%; 48 seats), the Christian Democrats
(9.1%; 33 seats), the Left Party (8.3%; 30
seats), the Center Party (6.1%; 22 seats), and
the Green Party (4.6%; 17 seats).
The Social Democratic Party has a base of
blue-collar workers, intellectuals, and public
sector employees. It derives much of its power
from strong links with the National Swedish
Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), which
represents around 90% of Sweden's blue-collar
workers. The party program combines a commitment
to social welfare programs and government
direction of the economy.
The Moderate Party emphasizes personal
freedom, free enterprise, and reduction of the
public-sector growth rate, while still
supporting most of the social benefits
introduced since the 1930s. The party also
supports a strong defense and Sweden's
membership in the European Union (EU). Its voter
base is urban business people and professionals,
but the party also attracts young voters,
main-street shop owners, and, to a modest
extent, blue-collar workers.
The Left Party, formerly the Communist Party,
is today a party which expresses some of the
traditional values of the social democrats but
which also is focused on the environment and
opposes Swedish membership in the EU. Their
voter base consists mainly of public sector
employees, journalists, and former social
The Christian Democrats have their voter base
among those who belong to free
churches--Methodists, Baptists, etc. They seek
better ethical practices in government and the
teaching of traditional values in the schools.
They also want to improve care for the elderly
and have an extensive family policy program.
They strongly support Swedish membership in the
EU and the EMU.
The Center Party maintains close ties to
rural Sweden. The main concerns of the Center
Party are the elimination of nuclear power and
increased centralization of governmental
The Liberal Party's platform is "social
responsibility without socialism," which
includes a commitment to a free-market economy
combined with comprehensive Swedish social
welfare programs. Foreign aid and women's
equality also are popular issues. The Liberal
Party base is mainly centered in educated
middle-class voters.
The Green Party is an environmentalist party
that attracts young people. The party takes a
strong stand against EU membership and wants a
new referendum on the issue. The Greens support
a phasing-out of nuclear energy in Sweden and
hope to replace it with alternative,
environmentally friendly energy sources.
On January 1, 1995, Sweden became a member of
the EU. While some argued that it went against
Sweden's historic policy of neutrality (Sweden
had not joined the EU during the Cold War
because it was incompatible with neutrality),
others viewed the move as a natural extension of
the economic cooperation that had been going on
since 1972 with the EU. Sweden addressed this
controversy by reserving the right not to
participate in any future EU defense alliance.
In membership negotiations in 1993-94, Sweden
also had reserved the right to make the final
decision on whether to join the third stage of
the EMU (a common currency and central bank) "in
light of continued developments." In a
nationwide referendum in November 1994, 52.3% of
participants voted for EU membership. Voter
turnout was high--83.3% of eligible voters
Main Swedish concerns included winning
popular support for EU cooperation, EU
enlargement, and strengthening the EU in areas
such as economic growth, job promotion, and
environmental issues.
In polls taken a few years after the
referendum, many Swedes indicated that they were
unhappy with Sweden's membership in the EU, and
in a special referendum on September 14, 2003,
Swedish voters rejected entry into the EMU.
Sweden is a member of the UN and some of its
specialized and related agencies including the
World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the
International Labor Organization (ILO),
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (USESCO), World Health
Organization (WHO) and others; EU, European Free
Trade Association (EFTA), Council of Europe, and
others. Sweden also is a member of NATO's
Partnership for Peace and participates in
numerous international peacekeeping operations.
Sweden is an industrial country. Agriculture,
once accounting for nearly all of Sweden's
economy, now employs less than 2% of the labor
force. Extensive forests, rich iron ore
deposits, and hydroelectric power are the
natural resources which, through the application
of technology and efficient organization, have
enabled Sweden to become a leading producing and
exporting nation.
The Swedish economic picture has brightened
significantly since the severe recession in the
early 1990s. Growth has been strong in recent
years, with an annual average GDP growth rate of
2.5% for the period 2000-2004, and the inflation
rate is low, with an annual average inflation
rate of 1.9% for the same period. Since the
mid-1990s the export sector has been booming,
acting as the main engine for economic growth.
Swedish exports also have proven to be
surprisingly robust. A marked shift in the
structure of the exports, where services, the IT
industry, and telecommunications have taken over
from traditional industries such as steel,
paper, and pulp, has made the Swedish export
sector less vulnerable to international
During 2004 real GDP rose by 3% and is
projected to expand by 2.7% in 2005.
The government budget improved dramatically
from a record deficit of more than 12% of GDP in
1993 to an expected surplus of 8% of GDP in
2001. The new, strict budget process with
spending ceilings set by parliament, and a
constitutional change to an independent Central
Bank, have greatly improved policy credibility.
This can be seen in the long-term interest rate
margin versus the Euro, which is negligible.
From the perspective of longer term fiscal
sustainability, the long-awaited reform of
old-age pensions entered into force in 1999.
This entails a far more robust system vis-à-vis
adverse demographic and economic trends, which
should keep the ratio of total pension
disbursements to the aggregate wage bill close
to 20% in the decades ahead. Taken together,
both fiscal consolidation and pension reform
have brought public finances back on a
sustainable footing. Gross public debt, which
jumped from 43% of GDP in 1990 to 78% in 1994,
stabilized around the middle of the 1990s and
has been decreasing in recent years. In 2004
public debt was about 47.7% of GDP. These
figures show excellent improvement of the
Swedish economy since the crisis of the early
In contrast with most other European
countries, Sweden maintained an unemployment
rate around 2% or 3% of the work force
throughout the 1980s. However with high and
accelerating inflation at this time, it became
evident that such low rates were not
sustainable, and in the severe crisis in the
early 1990s the unemployment rate increased to
more than 8%. Unemployment held steady in recent
years at about 5%. It was 5.5% for 2004, but job
creation remains a stubborn problem. As of June
2005 the unemployment rate was 7.1%.
Eighty percent of the Swedish labor force is
unionized. For most unions there is a
counterpart employer's organization for
businesses. The unions and employer
organizations are independent of both the
government and political parties, although the
largest federation of unions, the National
Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO),
always has been linked to the largest political
party, the Social Democrats.
There is no fixed minimum wage by
legislation. Instead, wages are set by
collective bargaining.
Swedish foreign policy is based on the premise
that national security is best served by staying
free of alliances in peacetime in order to
remain neutral in the event of war. In 2002,
Sweden revised its security doctrine. The
security doctrine still states that "Sweden
pursues a policy of non-participation in
military alliances," but permits cooperation in
response to threats against peace and security.
The government also seeks to maintain Sweden's
high standard of living. These two objectives
require heavy expenditures for social welfare,
defense spending at rates considered high by
west European standards (currently around 2.2%
of GNP), and close attention to foreign trade
opportunities and world economic cooperation.
Sweden participates actively in the United
Nations, including as a member of the Security
Council in 1997-98, and other multilateral
organizations. The strong interest of the
Swedish Government and people in international
cooperation and peacemaking has been
supplemented in the early 1980s by renewed
attention to Nordic and European security
questions. In January 1995, Sweden became a full
member of the European Union after a referendum
in late 1994 indicated that 52.3% of
participants wanted to join. Sweden became a
member in part due to its increasing isolation
outside the economic framework of the Maastricht
Treaty. It sits as an observer in the Western
European Union and is an active member of NATO’s
Partnership for Peace and the Euro-Atlantic
Partnership Council.
Swedish foreign policy has been the result of
a wide consensus. Sweden cooperates closely with
its Nordic neighbors, formally in economic and
social matters through the Nordic Council of
Ministers and informally in political matters
through direct consultation.
Swedish governments have not defined
nonalignment as precluding outspoken positions
in international affairs. Government leaders
have favored national liberation movements that
enjoy broad support among developing world
countries, with notable attention to Africa.
During the Cold War, Sweden was suspicious of
the superpowers, which it saw as making
decisions affecting small countries without
always consulting those countries. With the end
of the Cold War, that suspicion has lessened
somewhat, although Sweden still chooses to
remain nonaligned. Sweden has devoted particular
attention to issues of disarmament, arms
control, and nuclear nonproliferation and has
contributed importantly to UN and other
international peacekeeping efforts, including
the NATO-led peacekeeping forces in the Balkans.
Sweden also contributes to the International
Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan
and will assume leadership of the Provincial
Reconstruction Team in Mazar e-Sharif in 2006.
Friendship and cooperation between the
United States and Sweden is strong and close.
The United States welcomes Sweden's continued
independence, secured through self-reliance or
in cooperation with other democracies.
Swedish-American friendship is buttressed by the
presence of nearly 14 million Americans of
Swedish heritage. Both countries in 1988
celebrated the 350th anniversary of the first
Swedish settlement in the United States.
U.S. direct investment in Sweden in 2004 was
approximately $2.6 billion. There were major
investments in computer software and hardware,
IT/telecommunications, industrial goods, and
Principal U.S. Officials
Teel Bivins
Deputy Chief of Mission--Steve Noble
Political Counselor--Casey Christensen
Economic Counselor--Ingrid Kollist
Public Affairs Counselor--Acting, Chris Scharf
Management Counselor--Edward Malcik
Commercial Counselor--Keith Curtis
Defense Attaché--Col. Robert Veale
Consul--Debra Towry
U.S. Embassy in Stockholm is at Dag
Hammarskjölds Väg 31, S-115 89 Stockholm,
Sweden, telephone: 46-8-783-5300, Fax:
46-8-661-1964, Internet: