Republic of Ecuador
Area: 276,840 sq. km; about the size of
Cities: Capital--Quito (pop. 1.6
million). Other major cities--Guayaquil
(2.4 million).
Terrain: Jungle east of the Andes, a rich
agricultural coastal plain west of the Andes,
high-elevation valleys through the mountainous
center of the country and an archipelago of
volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Climate: Varied, mild year-round in the mountain
valleys; hot and humid in coastal and Amazonian
jungle lowlands.
Nationality: Noun and adjective--Ecuadorian(s).
Population (July 2005 est.): 13,363,593
Annual population growth rate (July 2005 est.):
Ethnic groups: Indigenous 25%, mestizo (mixed
Indian and Spanish) 65%, Caucasian and others
7%, African 3%.
Religion: Predominantly Roman Catholic (95%),
but religious freedom recognized.
Languages: Spanish (official), indigenous
languages, especially Quichua, the Ecuadorian
dialect of Quechua.
Education: Years compulsory--ages 6-14,
but enforcement varies. Attendance
(through 6th grade)--76% urban, 33% rural.
Health: Infant mortality rate--23.66/1,000.
Life expectancy--76.21 yrs.
Type: Republic.
Independence: May 24, 1822 (from Spain).
Constitution: August 10, 1998.
Branches: Executive--President and 15
cabinet ministers. Legislative--unicameral
Congress. Judicial--Supreme Court,
Provincial Courts, and ordinary civil and
criminal judges.
Administrative subdivisions: 22 provinces.
Major political parties: Over a dozen political
parties; none predominates.
Suffrage: Obligatory for literate citizens 18-65
yrs. of age; optional for other eligible voters;
active duty military personnel and police may
not vote.
GDP: (2005 est.) $32 billion; (2004 est.) $30
billion; (2003) $27.2 billion; (2002) $24.3
Real annual growth rate: 1996, 2.0%; 1997, 3.4%;
1998, 0.4%; 1999, -7.3%; 2000, 2.3%; 2001, 5.6%;
2002, 3.4%; 2003, 2.7%; 2004, 6.9%; 2005, 3.9%
(est., statistics vary).
Per capita GDP: (2005 est.) $2,424; (2004 est.)
$2,304; (2003) $2,118.
Natural resources: Petroleum, fish, shrimp,
timber, gold.
Agriculture, including seafood (9.8 % of GDP in
2004; 9.6% of GDP in 2005 est.): Products--bananas,
seafood, flowers, coffee, cacao, sugar, tropical
fruits, palm oil, palm hearts, rice, corn, and
Industry (12.5% of GDP in 2004; 12.5% of GDP in
2005 est.; oil and mining--23.3% in 2004; 23.6%
in 2005 est.): Types--petroleum
extraction, food processing, wood products,
textiles, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.
Other major contributors to GDP: Commercial
trade (wholesale and retail): 15.1% (2004), 15%
(2005 est.); transportation and communications:
9.8% (2004), 9.8% (2005 est.); construction:
7.3% (2004), 7.3% (2005 est.).
Trade: Exports--(2004) $7.66 billion;
$7.2 billion (2005 est.) . Types--petroleum,
bananas, shrimp, coffee, cacao, hemp, wood,
fish, cut flowers. Major markets in 2003--Latin
America 35.26%; U.S. 34.56%, European Union (EU)
14.62%, and Asia 5.41%.
Imports--(2004) $7.27 billion; $7.9
billion (2005 est.) . Types--industrial
materials, nondurable consumer goods,
agricultural products. Major suppliers (2003)--Latin
America 51.57%, U.S. 17.46%, Asia 12.28%, and EU
Currency: U.S. dollar.
Ecuador's population is ethnically mixed. The
largest ethnic groups are indigenous and mestizo
(mixed Indian-Caucasian). Although Ecuadorians
were heavily concentrated in the mountainous
central highland region a few decades ago,
today's population is divided about equally
between that area and the coastal lowlands.
Migration toward cities--particularly larger
cities--in all regions has increased the urban
population to over 60%. The tropical forest
region to the east of the mountains remains
sparsely populated and contains only about 3% of
the population. Due to an economic crisis in the
late 1990s, more than 600,000 Ecuadorians
emigrated to the U.S. and Europe from 2000 to
2001. It is estimated that there are over two
million Ecuadorians currently residing in the
The Inca Empire and Spanish Conquest
Advanced indigenous cultures flourished in
Ecuador long before the area was conquered by
the Inca Empire in the 15th century. In 1534,
the Spanish arrived and defeated the Inca
armies, and Spanish colonists became the new
elite. The indigenous population was decimated
by disease in the first decades of Spanish
rule--a time when the natives also were forced
into the "encomienda" labor system for Spanish
landlords. In 1563, Quito became the seat of a
royal "audiencia" (administrative district) of
After independence forces defeated the royalist
army in 1822, Ecuador joined Simon Bolivar's
Republic of Gran Colombia, only to become a
separate republic in 1830. The 19th century was
marked by instability, with a rapid succession
of rulers. The conservative Gabriel Garcia
Moreno unified the country in the 1860s with the
support of the Catholic Church. In the late
1800s, world demand for cocoa tied the economy
to commodity exports and led to migrations from
the highlands to the agricultural frontier on
the coast.
A coastal-based liberal revolution in 1895
under Eloy Alfaro reduced the power of the
clergy and opened the way for capitalist
development. The end of the cocoa boom produced
renewed political instability and a military
coup in 1925. The 1930s and 1940s were marked by
populist politicians such as five-time President
Jose Velasco Ibarra. In January 1942, Ecuador
signed the Rio Protocol to end a brief war with
Peru the year before. Ecuador agreed to a border
that conceded to Peru much territory Ecuador
previously had claimed in the Amazon. After
World War II, a recovery in the market for
agricultural commodities and the growth of the
banana industry helped restore prosperity and
political peace. From 1948-60, three
presidents--beginning with Galo Plaza--were
freely elected and completed their terms.
Contemporary History
Military Rule and Return to Democracy
Recession and popular unrest led to a
return to populist politics and domestic
military interventions in the 1960s, while
foreign companies developed oil resources in the
Ecuadorian Amazon. In 1972, a nationalist
military regime seized power and used the new
oil wealth and foreign borrowing to pay for a
program of industrialization, land reform, and
subsidies for urban consumers. With the oil boom
fading, Ecuador returned to democracy in 1979,
but by 1982, the government faced an economic
crisis, characterized by inflation, budget
deficits, a falling currency, mounting debt
service, and uncompetitive industries.
Uninterrupted Democracy (1984-1996)
The 1984 presidential elections were narrowly
won by Leon Febres-Cordero of the Social
Christian Party (PSC). During the first years of
his administration, Febres-Cordero introduced
free-market economic policies, took strong
stands against drug trafficking and terrorism,
and pursued close relations with the United
States. His tenure was marred by bitter
wrangling with other branches of government and
his own brief kidnapping by elements of the
military. A devastating earthquake in March 1987
interrupted oil exports and worsened the
country's economic problems.
Rodrigo Borja of the Democratic Left (ID)
party won the presidency in 1988. His government
was committed to improving human rights
protection and carried out some reforms. Most
notably, Borja opened Ecuador to foreign trade.
The Borja government concluded an accord leading
to the disbanding of the small terrorist group,
"Alfaro Lives." However, continuing economic
problems undermined the popularity of the ID,
and opposition parties gained control of
Congress in 1990.
In 1992, Sixto Duran-Ballen won in his third
run for the presidency. His government succeeded
in pushing a limited number of modernization
initiatives through Congress. Duran-Ballen's
Vice President, Alberto Dahik, was the architect
of the administration's economic policies, but
in 1995, Dahik fled the country to avoid
prosecution on corruption charges following a
heated political battle with the opposition. A
war with Peru erupted in January-February 1995
in a small, remote region where the boundary
prescribed by the 1942 Rio Protocol was in
The Return of Instability (1997-2006)
Abdala Bucaram, from the Guayaquil-based
Ecuadorian Roldosista Party (PRE), won the
presidency in 1996 on a platform that promised
populist economic and social policies and the
breaking of what Bucaram termed as the power of
the nation's oligarchy. During his short term of
office, Bucaram's administration drew criticism
for corruption. Bucaram was deposed by the
Congress in February 1997 on grounds of alleged
mental incompetence. In his place, Congress
named interim President Fabian Alarcon, who had
been president of Congress and head of the small
Radical Alfarist Front party. Alarcon's interim
presidency was endorsed by a May 1997 popular
Congressional and first-round presidential
elections were held on May 31, 1998. No
presidential candidate obtained a majority, so a
run-off election between the top two
candidates--Quito Mayor Jamil Mahuad of the
Popular Democracy party and Alvaro Noboa of the
Ecuadorian Roldosista Party (PRE)--was held on
July 12, 1998. Mahuad won by a narrow margin. He
took office on August 10, 1998. On the same day,
Ecuador's new constitution came into effect.
Mahuad concluded a well-received peace with Peru
on October 26, 1998, but increasing economic,
fiscal, and financial difficulties drove his
popularity steadily lower. On January 21, 2000,
during demonstrations in Quito by indigenous
groups, the military and police refused to
enforce public order. Demonstrators entered the
National Assembly building and declared a
three-person "junta" in charge of the country.
Field-grade military officers declared their
support for the concept. During a night of
confusion and negotiations, President Mahuad was
obliged to flee the presidential palace. Vice
President Gustavo Noboa took charge and Mahuad
went on national television in the morning to
endorse Noboa as his successor. Congress met in
emergency session in Guayaquil the same day,
January 22, and ratified Noboa as President of
the Republic in constitutional succession to
By completing Mahuad’s term, Noboa restored
some stability to Ecuador. He implemented the
dollarization that Mahuad had announced, and he
obtained congressional authorization for the
construction of Ecuador’s second major oil
pipeline, this one financed by a private
consortium. Noboa turned over the government on
January 15, 2003, to his successor, Lucio
Gutierrez, a former army colonel who first came
to the public’s attention as a leader of the
January 2000 events that led to Mahuad’s
departure from the presidency. Anti-corruption
and a leftist, populist platform characterized
Gutierrez’s campaign. However, shortly after
taking office, Gutierrez adopted conservative
fiscal policies and authoritarian tactics to
combat mounting opposition. The situation came
to a head in April 2005 when political opponents
and popular uprisings in Quito forced Gutierrez
to resign the presidency and leave the country.
In the aftermath, Vice President Alfredo Palacio
was confirmed as the new president, and a new
majority coalition of opposition political
parties reclaimed control of Congress. A
semblance of stability has returned, but the
Palacio administration remains weak amid popular
pressure for reform.
The constitution provides for 4-year terms of
office for the president, vice president, and
members of Congress, although none of the last
three democratically-elected presidents have
remained in office much beyond two years.
Presidents may be re-elected after an
intervening term, while legislators may be
re-elected immediately. The executive branch
includes 15 ministries. Provincial governors and
councilors, like mayors and aldermen and parish
boards, are directly elected. Congress meets
throughout the year except for recess in July
and December. There are twenty 7-member
congressional committees. Justices of the
Supreme Court are appointed by the Congress for
indefinite terms.
Principal Government Officials
President--Alfredo PALACIO
Vice President--Nicanor Alejandro SERRANO
Minister of Foreign Affairs--Francisco CARRION
Minister of Defense--Oswaldo JARRIN
Ambassador to the United States--Luis GALLEGOS
Ambassador to the Organization of American
States--Mario ALEMAN
Ambassador to the United Nations--Marcelo
Fernandez de CORDOVA
Ecuador maintains an
embassy in the United States at 2535
15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 (tel.
202-234-7200). Consulates are located in
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver,
Houston, Jersey City, Los Angeles, Miami, New
Orleans, New York, San Francisco, and San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Political Conditions
Ecuador's political parties have historically
been small, loose organizations that depend more
on populist, often charismatic, leaders to
retain support than on programs or ideology.
Frequent internal splits have produced extreme
factionalism. No party has ever elected more
than one president in recent years. Although
Ecuador's political elite is highly
factionalized along regional, ideological, and
personal lines, a strong desire for consensus on
major issues often leads to compromise.
Opposition forces in Congress are loosely
organized, but historically they often unite to
block the administration's initiatives.
Currently a majority coalition of three of the
main parties holds 53% of the seats in Congress,
and effectively controls congressional
Constitutional changes enacted by a specially
elected National Constitutional Assembly in 1998
took effect on August 10, 1998. The new
constitution strengthens the executive branch by
eliminating mid-term congressional elections and
by circumscribing Congress' power to remove
cabinet ministers. Party discipline is
traditionally weak, and routinely many
congressional deputies switch allegiance during
each Congress. However, after the new
constitution took effect, the Congress passed a
code of ethics that imposes penalties on members
who defy their party leadership on key votes.
Beginning with the 1996 election, the
indigenous population abandoned its traditional
policy of shunning the official political system
and participated actively. The indigenous
population has established itself as a
significant force in Ecuadorian politics, as
shown by its early participation in the
Gutierrez administration.
2006 will see the next scheduled presidential
and congressional elections, according to the
following timetable: Congressional election and
First Round of Presidential Election- October
14, 2006; Runoff presidential election -
November 26, 2006; Congressional inauguration -
January 5, 2007; Presidential inauguration -
January 15, 2007.
The Ecuadorian economy is based on petroleum
production and exports of bananas, shrimp, and
other primary agricultural products. In 2004,
oil accounted for over 50% of total export
earnings. Ecuador is the world's largest
exporter of bananas (about $1.2 billion in 2004)
and a major exporter of shrimp ($319.3 million
in 2004). Exports of nontraditional products
such as flowers ($345 million in 2004) and
canned fish, including pouch tuna ($331 million
in 2004) have grown in recent years. Industry is
largely oriented to servicing the domestic
Deteriorating economic performance in 1997-98
culminated in a severe economic and financial
crisis in 1999. The crisis was precipitated by a
number of external shocks, including the El Nino
weather phenomenon in 1997, a sharp drop in
global oil prices in 1997-98, and international
emerging market instability in 1997-98. These
factors highlighted the Government of Ecuador's
unsustainable economic policy mix of large
fiscal deficits and expansionary monetary policy
and resulted in a 6.3% contraction of GDP,
annual year-on-year inflation of 52.2%, and a
65% devaluation of the national currency in
In 2000, President Jamil Mahuad announced
that Ecuador would adopt the U.S. dollar as its
official currency. Shortly thereafter Mahaud was
forced from office, but his vice president who
assumed the presidency, Gustavo Noboa, stayed
with the dollarization policy and completed the
transition later that same year. The rate of
inflation soared to an annual rate of over 96%
is 2000. However, since dollarization, the
inflation rate has continued to drop each year
until it reached 1.9% in 2004, lower than the
rate in the United States.
One of the first acts of the incoming Lucio
Gutierrez administration in 2003 was the
negotiation of a standby agreement with the
International Monetary Fund. Though his
administration’s fiscal economic policies were
sound, the Gutierrez administration was never
able to enact the structural reforms the country
needed. The IMF standby agreement lapsed in
Buoyed by higher oil prices, the Ecuadorian
economy experienced a modest recovery in
2000-01, with GDP rising 2.8% in 2000 and 5.1%
in 2001. GDP growth leveled off to 3.4% in 2002.
Ecuador experienced modest GDP growth of 2.7% in
what the Government of Ecuador called a
transition year in 2003. Spurred by high oil
prices and the completion of a second oil
pipeline (the Trans-Andean Oil Pipeline or OCP,
in Spanish) in late 2003, GDP growth for 2004
reached nearly 7%.
Though Ecuador has a relative abundance of
oil reserves, it has been unable to take full
advantage of those resources for its own
development. Mismanagement, lack of investment
and corruption in the state-owned oil sector has
caused declines in state oil production over the
last decade. Commercial disputes as well as
judicial and contractual uncertainties have
deterred private oil and other companies from
investing in the country. The electricity and
telecommunications sectors also have similar
significant problems, which are costing
Ecuadorians hundreds of millions of dollars each
year. As much as 70% (statistics vary) of the
population lives below the poverty line. Ecuador
is in the final stages of negotiating a free
trade agreement with the U.S.
Ecuador's investment climate worsened with
the April 2006 Hydrocarbons Law, which pursued
contract renegotiation with foreign investors in
that sector, and the May 2006 forfeiture of
Occidental Petroleum assets.
Ecuador always has placed great emphasis on
multilateral approaches to international
problems. Ecuador is a member of the United
Nations (and most of its specialized agencies)
and the Organization of American States (OAS)
and also is a member of many regional groups,
including the Rio Group, the Latin American
Economic System, the Latin American Energy
Organization, the Latin American Integration
Association, and the Andean Pact.
In October 1998, Ecuador and Peru reached a
peace agreement to settle their border
differences, which had festered since the
signing of the 1942 Rio Protocol. This
long-running border dispute occasionally erupted
into armed hostility along the undemarcated
sections, with the last conflict occurring in
1995. The U.S. Government, as one of the four
guarantor nations (the others are Argentina,
Brazil and Chile), played an important role in
bringing the conflict to an end. The peace
agreement brokered by the four guarantors in
February 1995 led to the cessation of
hostilities and the establishment of the
Military Observers Mission to Ecuador-Peru (MOMEP)
to monitor the zone. In addition to helping
broker the peace accord, the U.S. has been
active in demining the former area of conflict
and supporting welfare and economic projects in
the border area.
The ongoing conflict in Colombia and security
along the 450-mile-long northern border are
important issues in Ecuador's foreign relations
with Colombia. The instability of border areas
and frequent encroachments of Colombian
guerillas into Ecuadorian territory has led the
Ecuadorian army to deploy more troops to the
region. Although Ecuadorian officials have
stated that Colombian guerrilla activity will
not be tolerated on the Ecuadorian side of the
border, guerrilla bands have been known to
intimidate the local population, demanding
extortion payments and practicing vigilante
justice. The close proximity of the border to
northern oil fields also has resulted in
kidnappings of foreign oil workers by
Colombian-based criminals. Ecuador has deployed
a contingent of Army engineers to Haiti as part
of the peacekeeping force.
The United States and Ecuador have maintained
close ties based on mutual interests in
maintaining democratic institutions; combating
narcotrafficking; building trade, investment,
and financial ties; cooperating in fostering
Ecuador's economic development; and
participating in inter-American organizations.
Ties are further strengthened by the presence of
an estimated two million Ecuadorians living in
the United States and by 150,000 U.S. citizens
visiting Ecuador annually, and by approximately
20,000 U.S. citizens residing in Ecuador. More
than 100 U.S. companies are doing business in
The United States assists Ecuador's economic
development directly through the Agency for
International Development (USAID)
and through multilateral organizations such as
the Inter-American Development Bank and the
World Bank. In addition, the U.S.
Corps operates a sizable program in
Ecuador. Total U.S. assistance to Ecuador
exceeded $65 million in FY 2004; it was expected
to amount to over $50 million in 2005.
The United States is Ecuador's principal
trading partner. In 2004, Ecuador exported about
$3.5 billion in products to the U.S. For 10
years Ecuador benefited from duty-free entry for
certain of its exports under the Andean Trade
Preferences Act (ATPA) and received additional
trade benefits under the Andean Trade Promotion
and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) in 2002. Those
benefits will expire in 2006. In May 2004
Ecuador entered into negotiations for an Andean
free trade agreement with the U.S., Colombia,
and Peru. The negotiations are ongoing.
Both nations are signatories of the Rio
Treaty of 1947, the Western Hemisphere's
regional mutual security treaty. Although there
are problems with money laundering, border
controls, and illegal alien immigration, Ecuador
shares U.S. concerns over narcotrafficking and
international terrorism and has energetically
condemned terrorist actions, whether directed
against government officials or private
citizens. The government has maintained Ecuador
virtually free of coca production since the
mid-1980s and is working to combat money
laundering and the transshipment of drugs and
chemicals essential to the processing of
cocaine. It has recently given greater priority
to combating child labor and trafficking in
Ecuador and the U.S. agreed in 1999 to a
10-year arrangement whereby U.S. military
surveillance aircraft could use the airbase at
Manta, Ecuador as a Forward Operating Location
to detect drug trafficking flights through the
Ecuador claims a 320-kilometer-wide (200-mi.)
territorial sea. The United States, in contrast,
claims a 12-mile boundary and jurisdiction for
the management of coastal fisheries up to 320
kilometers (200 mi.) from its coast but excludes
highly migratory species. Although successive
Ecuadorian governments have declared a
willingness to explore possible solutions to
this issue, the U.S and Ecuador have yet to
resolve fundamental differences concerning the
recognition of territorial waters.
Principal U.S. Embassy Officials
Deputy Chief of Mission--Jefferson Brown
Political Counselor-Erik Hall
Economic Counselor--Larry Memmott
Consul General--Patricia Johnson
Commercial Attaché--James F. Sullivan
Management Counselor--Michael St. Clair
Public Affairs Officer--Marti Estell
Regional Security Officer--Martin J. Rath
USAID Director--Alexandra Panehal
Narcotics Affairs Section Director--Brian
Guayaquil Consulate
Consul General--Kevin Herbert
Chief, Consular Section--Jill Johnson
U.S. Embassy
Avenida Patria 120
Quito, Ecuador
(tel. (593)(2) 256-2890/256-1634)
The mailing address is APO AA 34039
U.S. Consulate
9 de Octubre and Garcia Moreno
Guayaquil, Ecuador
(tel. (593)(4) 232-3570)
Consular Agent for the Galapagos
Puerto Ayora
(tel. (593) (5) 526-330 or (593) (5) 526-296)